Is Insta tanking as a platform?
Lots of people are adamant their engagement has hit rock bottom and nothing they try to improve it, works. So where to from here? Tiktok back to snapchat.. hold the reins, you need to unpack your whole pie, just not a slice.
As a professional digital marketer I have to disagree slightly but I’m absolutely empathetic to your frustration. I haven’t read through the comments here by here is my take…
I have a lot of clients absolutely killing it and honestly, I am always harder on myself as a FB Business Partner than anyone – but I wouldn’t say any client, who is “prepared” for the holiday is doing poorly with engagement or ROAS at the moment. Again, this is only through my lens.. I’m very realistic about this!
The key in what I’m seeing and want to hone in on, is to be “prepared”. Months out. Ahead of the game.
Now, I also don’t want to assume you weren’t, or are not prepared.. But what I do see, particularly when new clients reach out (and I’m vetting multiple a day at the moment!) is that their crickets usually come for really obvious gaps in their marketing plans or strategy.
And those gaps aren’t always the ads or posts themselves. It can be from a whole range of connected issues. Many pieces make up a marketing pie as I always tell people.
Granted none of us know the Wizard Of Oz aka the AI (if we did us marketers would be millionaires!) but being able to look at your marketing goals broader than just the stats is important too. I also wouldn’t take anyone’s money just for engagement as you can’t necessarily force someone to engage..?
But in all my years… stay consistent. This is a really hard period to balance things off and come 2022, post Xmas, the reset will happen.. (then everyone will wish their Xmas sale figures were the same in January haha!!)